Golf is a sport that is probably one of the most difficult to master. As someone who is on the golf team here at ONU, it has been something that I have struggled with. I progressed every season in high school, starting at a 100 average my freshman year to having an average of 84 my senior year. I have had averages of 97, 92, and 92 in three seasons in college. This past spring season was the hardest season I have ever had in golf. Most of the tournaments I played in were cold, raining, and really windy. If you didn't know, these are the last things you want for a round of golf. This summer, I have been working on a new swing. My old swing was over the top and steep. This causes big chunks in the ground (divots) and can cause slices and hooks (ball goes way left/right). With my new swing, I am going through the ball and turning my hips more. When doing this, the ball goes straighter, as well as controlling the ball to fade or draw (controlled left/right). When the swing is fixed,